Probio Energy

We Provide Recycled Wood To Produce Energy

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A Grade Recycled Wood

One of the recycled wood products that we provide is A Grade Recycled Wood.

C Grade Recycled Wood

One of the recycled wood products that we provide is C Grade Recycled Wood.

Global Expertise

Over a decade of strong experience in the fuel provider market.

Our Products

Recycled Wood is Made
From Natural Wood


Recycled Wood is defined as any wood or wood fuel obtained from items or processes such as pallets, skids, spools, packing materials, bulky wood debris, or scraps from freshly constructed wood products, provided that such wood is not Treated Wood.

Made from solid natural wood cuts and shavings, shipping cases, and pallets. During the recycling process, all nails and metal contaminants are removed.

Our current grade levels are as follows:

A Grade Recycled Wood
C Grade Recycled Wood

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Our Products

Recycled Wood is Made
From Natural Wood


Recycled Wood is defined as any wood or wood fuel obtained from items or processes such as pallets, skids, spools, packing materials, bulky wood debris, or scraps from freshly constructed wood products, provided that such wood is not Treated Wood.

Made from solid natural wood cuts and shavings, shipping cases, and pallets. During the recycling process, all nails and metal contaminants are removed.

Our current grade levels are as follows:

A Grade Recycled Wood
C Grade Recycled Wood

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Recycled Wood Reduces Deforestation

Find Your Query

Adding Value to Our Clients Through Continuous Product and Innovation


1.What is SRF and what are its uses?

SRF (SOLID RECOVERED FUEL) is an alternative fuel source which is derived from municipal waste. The municipal waste is heated and processed in a refinery ensuring that the end product has the best calorific value. Our SRF continually achieves the higher rate of calorific value with net calorific values often exceeding 4,500. SRF in pellet form can often exceed 5,500 NCV.

2.Why choose us?

We take things seriously. Our plants and refineries have the most advanced technology ensuring that our end product is of the highest quality.

3.Why do we have to import SRF? Why can't we produce it in Pakistan?

SRF and most alternative fuels have been in use throughout Europe for several decades. Europe is the world's leading expert in use and reformation of alternative fuels. Most fuel produced in Pakistan is derived from fresh waste, such as organic waste, sometimes referred to as 'Wet Waste'. Wet waste often has no calorific value comparative to  the high amount of plastic with low chlorine levels in Europe. Several plants have attempted to manufacture SRF in Pakistan within the last decade but have only managed to refine waste to produce RDF (REFUSE DERIVED FUEL), the first stage of manufacturing process. This is mainly due to the lack of high calorific consent.

4.Will alternate fuel be made in Pakistan?

Yes! Our plan is to develop 2 plants in Pakistan. One in Balochistan and the other in Lahore. These plants we hope to have up and running by 2025. Having invested $16 M in our sites, we are aiming to be the lead provider of alternative fuels in both Pakistan and Asia by December 2025.

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Probio is among the world’s leading renewable energy solutions provider.